Saturday, June 25, 2011

Black and White Nails

Black and White Nails are laconic and expressive. To make them "alive" and glamorous, to consider ways and possibilities of graphic art.

Graphics (Greek grapho - write, Church, drawing) - a type of fine art, using as the main means of lines, strokes and stains. The term "schedule" was used originally only applied to the writing and calligraphy. The new value it received in late XIX - early XX centuries due to the rapid development of the printing and distribution of calligraphic clear, linear drawing a contrast, the most convenient to reproduce in a book or magazine. Then the schedule was defined as art, which is based on a line, or the art of black and white.
Such an understanding of graphs was later extended. In addition to the contour line is the art of using the bar and spot, also contrasting with the white (sometimes colored or black) surface of the paper - the basic material of graphics. Combination of the same tools can be created by the tonal nuances. Also, the schedule does not preclude the use of color. The most common of its hallmark - a special relationship to the space of the depicted object, whose role is largely performs background, or "air".

World through the eyes of the artist

Graphic designs on the nails look very impressive and at the same time restrained. Despite the seeming simplicity of the picture, this art is very complex. After nail-designer, with the disposal of two colors and brushes, should pass on the nail surface and volume shape design tone, lines, dashes, dot ...
To work successfully in the schedule to develop the ability to see the world through the eyes of an artist to notice unusual in the ordinary, be observant and keen.
Observation - this directed attention, which are selected and stored vivid visual images.Painter, summarizing their visual impressions, creates a complete image.
Need to train your eye at first sight of the whole pile of coincidences to take only what is needed. For these purposes, you should always carry a notepad and a pen. Are You a store, get in the car of the train, drive to work, listening to music, viewing - while returning home in a notebook will be a lot of new pages full of interesting designs, unusual color harmonies. Replace notepad and pen may camera or mobile phone with a camera. Because the most beautiful stories for designs in front of us.

Graphic techniques

In every work of art beginning of all beginnings is the first touch of the brush to the surface, in our case - to nail the plane.
Black-and-white spot, line, dot, dot - a real element, of which there are images. A variety of lines can convey in a picture not only the external shape, but the essence of the depicted.The nature of the line, its smoothness and elasticity, angularity or roundness, softness or hardness, the discontinuity or continuity, thickness or thinness using a master schedule for transferring not only the outlines of forms design, but also their texture and volume. 
Graphic design on the nail plate carry colors. Gradually, as if from a "looking glass" images appear diverse world. Drawing can capture any inspired impulse and imagination. However, for the art not the usual copy. Neil designer puts into his work the charm, look and taste.

Composition rules

Classes creativity develop the ability of perception that allows a person to more easily orient themselves in space. It is known that all objects have three dimensions: height, width and depth. Portrayed as they are usually on the planar surface of the nail plate, which has only two dimensions: length and width. How could build a three-dimensional image on a plane and convey the depth of design? The art of drawing has its own secrets and rules. 
To see the image as a whole, one must know its proportions, regardless of whether simple or complex a subject. Ratio - the ratio of sizes and quantities, which reveal the characteristic features of the object, its shape. Compare and contrast - an exciting experience for the artist, because it provides the preconditions for the search and development. In the design of the master can use any method of image transfer. But certain compositional rules imaging is essential for any beginner nail designer.
To create balance in the composition is necessary to correlate the size of the nail plane with the size of the rendered image. The image of the image should not be too big but not too small: the large nail plane small items "lost" on a small - no longer fit, they will be "closely". It is important to design depicted not only fit, but situated as it should. Design elements should be placed in the "air environment," as if "envelop them with air on all sides", and in the cuticle of the space must be greater than near the free edge. But sometimes, for greater artistic expression pattern master violates the basic rules of composition and subject them to the basic creative idea.

Contrasting combinations

Graphic arts - it is the contrasts and the interaction of black and white. You can paint with black paint, depicting the black part of the unexposed surface of the image (Fig. 1). But there is another way to draw: no shadow, light, in this case it is advisable to paint with white paint: with a bright points, lines, lines, spots will show highlights of the image forms (Fig. 2). It is necessary to resort to the opposition: if the background is bright - the color is dark, and vice versa, color contrast draws attention and reinforces the emotional impact of the picture.