Saturday, June 25, 2011

Abstraction in nail design

The options presented abstract designs can help realize the most unrealistic fantasy. For example, such a bright and colorful geometry will cheer up even on a cold autumn day and nepogozhy.

Motley geometry

1. On fat-free transparent nail black outline plot the geometric elements of the ornament.Drawings must harmoniously with the shape of the nail, so the image will be elongated stylet slightly elongated (4).
2. We get a bright pink color of cold, mixing magenta and white, or use a ready-made pink. Paint the main elements of ornament (5).
3. Add to the hot yellow color of white paint, to produce a soft pastel yellow. Fill them into smaller segments the image (b).

Let's look at an example of abstraction in a sample of batik - paintings on cloth (photo 1).The girl, hat, pagoda - it's all real elements, but where we can see that beautiful house wore on his head? In this picture there is a very interesting detail: the flowers are not only an ornament of a hat. If you look up above, they are also the flower beds in the landscape design. A line showing the texture of straw hats and smoothly into the cobblestones.

Many clients prefer to see the nails something fanciful, unreal and abstract. These nails are very effective and always in fashion, especially if they are well in tune with the clothing and general style of the client.

But sometimes bad master nail design is exactly what the customer wants, or he found it difficult to come up with anything, "take" picture of the head. And then before it really worth the uphill climb. To help in this matter could complete understanding of abstraction, as well as examples of what it is.

Plenty of room for creativity

Abstraction (Latin "distraction") - it's something mental, something remote from life. This is something that exists in the human imagination and is embodied in reality: on canvas paintings, interiors, clothing and, of course, on your nails.
When there is plenty of room for creativity, you can create a fantasy of a complex concept.The situation is different nails - because the area to paint is not so much. In this case, when you create an abstraction used by such major items as color spot, point, line, stroke, etc. With their help, creates very beautiful and stylish abstract work (2). Theme of abstraction, as well as the faces of people, flowers and landscapes, can cause the viewer an emotional response, and the author is able to express in their fantasy works most elemental sense, to convey mood. For example, it can be observed in the paintings of Josephine Wall, which inspired us to create something similar using acrylic color (3).

4. We continue to work bright-green color. Geometry requires that the master accuracy, precision painting, clarity in the conduct of the lines (7).
5. Apply the color blue, which will strengthen the elegance and brightness of an abstract figure (8).
6. Small pieces of design make a stretch of yellow to orange. Orange color is "light" design, as it is with all the colors used in the figure in the greatest contrast. Black, if necessary, refine the circuit design are covered by fixative (9).

Collection of ideas

If the master is well developed imagination, he can offer the customer a lot of ideas on the theme of abstraction.For example, the now very popular cartoon "Kungfu Panda", which is happy to watch not only children but also adults. To keep pace with the times, can be represented by the "great" warrior - panda on nails client, using the original abstract background. By the way, if you create the background necessary to use only pastel shades. Then all the main elements of the foreground - bamboo, characters, tracks from the clutches of the bear - will be clearly visible and clearly differ (10).
No less interesting is a series of designs called "The Girl from black and white film" (11). Peas, one of the important design elements, are always fashionable and in addition, so it is often used master nail design. In addition, this figure is made ​​on the contrasts of black and white, will look for nails is very bright. However, this design requires a common style of clothing: the ideal - a red one-color dress or a contrast of black and white. 
In a series of designs "Chessboard" has been used a classic color combination of red and gold (12). In order not to draw a checkerboard on all nails the same, simple geometry of chess can vary seashells, abstract waterfall or gentle colors bells. The main thing is that the design elements were united by a common color scheme and paint the nails present a story line. This design will look on your nails are very extravagant.

Design "Golden Section" is built on the right forms, geometric shapes: circle, square (13-16). Use a nail painting white ornaments, gold ribbons, small denticles post images of elegance and allure. This design, made in blue shades, can serve as an excellent example for a winter theme.