Sunday, June 26, 2011

Correct polish on the nails

Nothing will decorate your hands girls how handsome and tidy manicure. Our gestures are always attracted the attention of others, and whatever we did not do, our hands are always in sight. It is therefore important to pay attention to the condition of our nails.
Below are 7 steps to the right polish.
1. First remove the old varnish good nail polish remover. 2. Take a nail file and shape nails. But do it gently and carefully so as not to cut down the nails too much. 3. Place your fingertips in the soap solution and gently rinse the nails. After that, clean it, so that they become dry and smooth. 4. Now coat the nail base for varnish, and give it time to dry completely. 5. You can then apply the varnish. For the uniform application of paint, first apply paint to the center of the nail, then on the other side. Wait until the paint is completely dry. 6. The final step, apply a fixative to finish. This will allow the varnish to hold firmly and keep its color. 7. After all the items, make sure that the skin around the nails are not traces of lacquer. If there were, then remove them with a cotton bud, pre-soaked in nail polish remover tool. Now, your nails look beautiful and well-groomed, which makes you more attractive and self-confidence!