Sunday, June 26, 2011

Something about manicures

Beautiful nails adorn adorned hands. But the first condition of beauty - the absolute cleanliness. Manicure - nail care - we need above all to maintain the fingers in a constant state of cleanliness. In each house be nice to have a special manicure set. It includes a nail file, large and small pliers - pliers, scissors with curved ends, blunt spatula, wooden or ivory wand. Of course, all the tools you need to clean: wipe with alcohol or boil, cologne. So it will be more assurance that they be buried infection. Nails need to cut at least once every two weeks, giving them an almond or oval shape. Leave long nails short, their shape changes, the fingers seem to be thicker and shorter.
Clipping nails, be sure to smooth the sharp (scratching) edge of the nail file. Move it easily, without pressure, try not to grind smooth the nail surface. Daily removing of dirt under the nails or wooden spatula bone wand at the end of which is wound a layer of cotton wool soaked in soapy water. You can also use a special brush. What is a burr, everyone knows. Is slightly weakened hand care, nail cuticle as rampant easy toil, there are small scratches. If they are not immediately disinfected the wound may appear, cause purulent infection. It happens that in spite of systematic care for your hands, burrs are formed all the same. They need to be cut with scissors or forceps bite, then they must disinfected the place. Many helps get rid of the burr systematic rubbing fat cream around the nails. Finished with a nail, apply a nourishing cream on your hands and make a gentle massage. By the way, if you think about moving , manicures do not recommend at all.
Fingers and hands stroke in the direction of the forearm, pull tight like gloves. If the nails are broken, it is recommended to grease them with vegetable oil, nourishing cream, warm oil bath to do, and at least for a time not to deal with a detergent and washing powder. To lay varnish uniformly, it is necessary to apply necessarily to the warm, warmed his hands and nails to dry. Continuing to use the varnish is not recommended to periodically nails to rest.Dark varnish imposed in the middle of the nail as it shortens it, and nails are fully coated with colorless or slightly colored varnish, seem longer. Varnish should be in harmony with the color of lipstick. But even the most beautiful lacquer makes a bad impression, if the nails are not quite in order.