Sunday, June 26, 2011

From the History of Manicure

The name comes from the French manicure \ "manicure \", which means special care for hands. Every beauty has always been in demand, beauty has always demanded that she pay attention and time. \ "The man should be beautiful: the face, and clothing, and soul, and thought \". And hands. History manicure rooted in antiquity. In ancient Egypt women were stained nails with vegetable dyes. ... ...

The beauty industry began to develop Hand, to gain momentum. Baths, hand paints, which appeared in the U.S., the basic coverage, nail enamel ...

But all this was not enough for devotees of exquisite beauty. One problem still remained unsolved - the length of the nail. The revolution took place in the 60s, when a dentist in the United States, in order to wean my wife biting his nails, covered them with acrylic, which was used to cover the teeth. Immediately from the company, new buyers - a manicurist. To adapt the acrylic owners of the company created a special laboratory. Since acrylic nails firmly conquered the market. Acrylic nails are fashionable and of course, in addition, it is safe.

To date, there are various imaging technologies nails. One of the most popular method was presented in 1985 in Germany. This method is light. Another method introduced firm OPI. Manufacturer OPI, known as a manufacturer of dental filling materials since 1952, offered to design nail acrylic powder. It happened in 1981 when the company's experts have proposed four techniques to create artificial nails, which were patented in the United States.