Sunday, June 26, 2011

Interesting facts about the manicure

And so, ladies, learn more about the art of manicure. Very appreciated appearance in ancient Egypt. There was written and first encyclopedia of cosmetics, and by whom! Neither more nor less - Cleopatra herself has created a sort of a handbook. It was there for several years before our era, improved nail polish, as well as a variety of cosmetics.Incidentally, the first lacquer was invented in 1932 - he was red in color. Prior to that, an Egyptian painted fingernails green. Thus, the country of the Pharaohs followed their appearance and beauty, and other crops, for example the Chinese were convinced that the nails tend to communicate with higher forces, the most symbolizing wisdom.

By this in ancient China was allowed to grow nails are not only women but also individuals of the opposite sex.Incidentally, this trend is seen in our time. There is a special kind of guys who call themselves "metrosexuals". They are very sensitive about their image to, and notice every flaw of their appearance. Manicure for them - it is not the last.Metrosexuals at least the women see beauty salons, nail and make one order. No, I do not think that they are increasing his nails, or repaint them every week in a different color. Men make themselves "dry manicure," which I'll discuss shortly, and polish the nails, which creates the effect of colorless nail polish. But, say, any self-respecting man mows and cleans your nails at least once every 2 weeks, in order to maintain hygiene. Just do not go with every manicure set "just fire." But guitarists, for example, still grow their nails, and they have a purpose to it - much easier to fret. Yes, and they allow themselves the length of anything - not more than 2.5 mm. Not that the famous rapper Snoop Dog, who once grew two nail on the little finger of 1.5 cm each. This was the style, something like a business card.

Something interesting: the way, the longest fingernails in the history of humanity have been men. His name is Nelvin Feyzel Booze. Nelvina nail growth, which he polled more than 25 years was 953 cm after it is sensational in the book of Guinness Redmond - in 2006 the length of her nails was 7.5 m. The reason for such a long separation from the nail does not become the usual laziness. The woman did not want to care for them, and this reluctance has earned himself world famous. In third place on the length of the claws of a man showing off again, Sridhar Chillan. The length of his fingernails had reached 6.12 meters Ask them how they go to the toilet? Their answer would be: "Very carefully."