Sunday, June 26, 2011

Alternative artificial nails

In recent years, especially popular among women using such a simple cosmetic procedure as nails. Beautiful, long nails wants to have virtually every woman. But, alas, for many, the nail plates are subject to diseases such as frailty or bedding that brings the dream of a beautiful manicure at no. However, the procedure is harmful build-up, not out of the current unhealthy situation. After all, as a result of pre-stripping, exposure to chemical elements, as well as the subsequent drying, ultraviolet artificial nails, nail damage cover is beginning to actively progressing. Appears only external beauty, which, incidentally, requires a constant material investments to maintain aesthetic appearance, the problem remains the same patients nails. Therefore, it is best to invest this once in the treatment of their own nails. The result is a natural healthy manicure that will not break and fall off at the wrong time and the need to hide the problem skillfully under layers of varnish and gel will disappear by itself. 
So the problem with nails is the result of any adverse external influences or internal problems organism.These problems include incorrect metabolism, hormonal imbalance or vitamin deficiency trivial off-season.Abuse of alcohol and nicotine, also detrimental effects on the health of nails.

As you know, the nail plate forms the protein keratin. Directly to the keratin contained amino acid cysteine, which affects the hardness of nails. It is also important in the strength of the nail plate are calcium, chromium, magnesium and zinc.

Calcium is easily obtained from pulverized into a powder of dried eggshell. This powder should be placed in a jar with a lid and take 1 teaspoon a day for two weeks.  
The daily rate per day of magnesium is 400 mg. To get it from food, to eat, for example, 2 kg of meat or drink three quarts of milk. Clearly, this is not really ideal because the body replenish stocks of magnesium intake will be of special pharmaceutical products.

For better absorption, as magnesium and calcium, a prerequisite would be welcome along with vitamin D.

It is also necessary to enrich your diet of animal protein, which contain large quantities of chicken, turkey and pork meat. The ideal option would be a daily presence in your menu of oily fish such as salmon or mackerel.

In addition to internal exposure, to improve the structure of the nail and external use, for example, therapeutic wrap butter. To do this, 2 times a week, in your hands and nails thoroughly rub the olive oil.After that, the hands must wear cotton gloves and leave them for the night and morning, wash your hands thoroughly cream - soap and water.  
not bad every day at night to lubricate the nail plates with iodine or rubbing lemon juice. Baths on the basis of fine sea salt also helps to cope with the bundle and brittle nails.

Perform all procedures necessary to connect with mandatory testing in the hospital for immediate identification of the above variations in health, so as soon as possible to get not only a healthy, beautiful manicure, but also health and sense of ease as a whole.